Airports Authority of India (AAI) and Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) have entered into and executed an agreement called Operation, Management and Development Agreement, (OMDA), pursuant to which AAI granted to DIAL exclusive right to undertake the operations, maintenance, development, design, construction, up gradation, modernization, finance and management of the Indira Gandhi International Airport for a term of 30 (thirty) years with effect from May 3, 2006 and extendable by another term of 30 (thirty) years.
The provisions of OMDA, specifies all terms, conditions, guidelines, requirements, agreements that are applicable for Airport development project. In pursuant to these provisions, DIAL prepared the master plan for development of the Airport. As part of these plans, DIAL wishes to provide to airlines, passengers and visitors, services of international standard at the Airport.
The vision for the Airport has been formulated by DIAL to serve as the guideline for the designing engineers and architects. The vision is to build, operate and manage the airport with emphasis on
To carry out activities in connection with the handling of aircraft, passengers, baggage and cargo and/ or including but not limited to the fuel farm activities, at the
- Modern development and expansion:- Ensure modern development and expansion in a phased manner such that DIAL meets commitments through the timely provision of high quality airport infrastructure (on both the airside and landside) to meet growing demand; and
- Airport Management:- Creation of efficient airport management systems to provide quality airport services.
Airport and to ensure the free choice of qualified suppliers for the competitive supply of ATF to the Air Carriers at the Airport on open access basis.