Delhi International Airport (P) Limited is the subsidiary company of GMR group. The group is an infrastructure provider with wide presence, impact and scope one that extends from the local to the global plugging the infrastructure gaps to create bench mark assets supporting livelihoods to enhance the quality of life providing infrastructure to participate in mankind’s quest to create a better tomorrow today.
The Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA), New Delhi has been declared the World’s 4th Best Airport and APAC’s Most Improved Airport for Airport Service Quality (ASQ) in the 15 to 25 million passengers category by the Airports Council International (ACI). In 2006 when its transition was effected, IGIA’s ASQ rating was 3.02 points, which went up to 3.15 points in 2008. This figure jumped to 4.16 points for the year 2009. Being a brown field project, this spectacular improvement in such a busy airport is a very special and rare achievement. As of 1 May 2008, ISG acquired the operational rights for the next 20 years for ISGIA including the management of the existing terminal buildings and car parks, ground handling, cargo, aircraft refuelling operations, the airport hotel and CIP and VIP facilities.
In 2004, Airports Authority of India (AAI) initiated the process of selection of joint venture partners for the modernisation and up gradation of the Delhi and Mumbai airports. The consortia participating were to be tested on the technical and financial aspects of their bids. GMR led consortium also participated and emerged out as a winner.
Delhi International Airport Private Limited (DIAL) is a Joint Venture Company (JVC) incorporated in March 2006 to operate the Indira Gandhi International Airport subsequent to winning the bid for this project. The Consortium of GMR Group (54%), Malaysia Airports (Naiga) Sdn Bhd (10%) and Fraport AG Frankfurt Services Worldwide (10%) altogether holds 74% stake in DIAL, with the balance 26% being held by AAI. AAI and DIAL entered into Operation, Management and Development Agreement (OMDA) on April 04, 2006. As per terms of Operations, Management & Development Agreement (OMDA), DIAL has been given the exclusive right to operate, manage and develop the Delhi Airport for the term period i.e. 30 years from the effective date which is extendable for another 30 year period thereafter at the option of DIAL with the same terms and conditions. DIAL took over the operations of the Delhi airport on May 3, 2006.
IGI Airport is an operating asset given on lease to DIAL. Under the provisions of OMDA, AAI has recognized the exclusive right of DIAL during the term period to develop, finance, design, construct, modernize, operate, maintain, use and regulate the use by third parties of the airport, enjoy complete and uninterrupted possession and control of the airport site and the existing assets for the purpose of providing Aeronautical Services and Non-Aeronautical Services, determine, demand, collect, retain and appropriate charges from the users of the Airport in accordance with guidelines laid down in OMDA.